VESDA ® LaserScanner
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Obsolete - This detector is discontinued, but some parts are available at request. Please enquire about the upgrade program.
The VESDA ® LaserSCANNER can monitor and individually report on four sectors in the protected area.
The VESDA ® LaserSCANNER is an aspirating smoke detector providing very early warning of fire conditions by drawing air samples through an air sampling pipe network. The detector chamber can detect presence of smoke at very low concentrations. The embedded and PC software complimenting the LaserSCANNER provides a wide range of user defined parameters and reporting capabilities. The detector easily interfaces with fire warning and fire suppression release systems, and can be easily integrated into a building management system.

This VESDA ® system features make it a versatile smoke detection product:
- Wide sensitivity range 0.005% obs/m to 20.0% obs/m (0.0015% obs/ft. to 6.24% obs/ft.)
- Each detector can cover an area of up to 2,000 m2 (20,000 sq. ft.)
- Four programmable alarm thresholds (Alert, Action, Fire 1 and Fire 2)
- AutoLearn feature
- Four pipe inlets
- Individual pipe flow monitoring
- Scans individual sectors once smoke has been detected
- Replaceable air filter cartridge
- Option for inverted mounting
- Recessed mounting option
- Modular to meet site specific requirements
- Modular Display Module and LCD Programmer
- Programmable relays (option for 7 or 12 relays available)
- High efficiency aspirator
- Programmable General Purpose Input (GPI) to invoke operational modes
- PC programming and monitoring
- Multilingual displays
- Event Log for up to 18,000 events
Operation of the LaserSCANNER
An air sampling pipe network with sampling holes at appropriate spacing collects air samples
from a protected area. An integrated Aspirator draws air in the sampling pipes through a Pipe Inlet Manifold (up to four pipes can be connected to a VESDA ® detector Each pipe inlet in the manifold has a valve that can open or close the flow of air to the pipe. The scan function controls the opening and closing of the valves to detect the smoke carrying pipe. Some of the sampled air flows to the dual stage air filter. The first stage filtration removes dust and dirt from the sampled air and a small percentage of this air then flows to the laser detector chamber for detection smoke. Any smoke detected in the laser detection chamber is signaled to the main processor card. If the presence of detected smoke is higher than the set thresholds it will be reported as an alert, action, fire 1 or fire 2 Alarm depending upon the set alarm thresholds. The second stage filtration further filters the air to make it ultra clean air. The ultra clean air is used to protect the optical surfaces in the laser detector chamber.
Display Module
The LaserSCANNER Display Module is mounted either on the detector front cover or at a remote location in a remote mounting box or a 19†subrack. It provides a visual representation of the smoke levels and the four alarm stages for the assigned detector. An array of fault LEDs light up in different configurations to report Urgent, Minor, Zone and System faults. Up to 20 Display Modules can be assigned to one detector, however the Display Module can be configured to report the status of only one detector at a time.